Sacred Ways is located in Salida, Colorado nestled within the beautiful Rocky Mountains..
We are dedicated to assisting people in their own healing process by employing the energy healing processes that have been used by the South American Medicine People for thousands of years. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice known to man and dates back 30 – 40,000 years. Indigenous tribes all over the world had someone in their community who could contact and work with the unseen world, by altering their state of consciousness to work with compassionate and helping spirits to help individuals in the tribe, as well as themselves. The practice of Shamanism is a living, viable method to mend our fragmented spirits, obtain consistent and reliable answers and guidance, and live our lives in a conscious and powerful way.
Shamanic Healing is ancient work. The Shamans teach us that a luminous energy field surrounds our body. It carries within it all the beauty and trauma from all of our lifetimes, including this one. It encodes how we live, how we will age, and even how we will die. When this energy field reflects trauma or sickness, we are in need of healing to bring us back into balance and wellness. Techniques such as shamanic journeying, expanded consciousness, dowsing and laying-on of hands are used to observe and make alterations within the client’s luminous energy field. A variety of different shamanic techniques may be used during this process. This work is done from a place of non-judgement. Healing is the objective and is accomplished from a place of love and light.
Follow your own footsteps
Follow your own footsteps
Learn from the rivers, the trees, and the rocks
Honor the Christ, the Buddha, your Brothers and Sisters
Honor the Earth Mother and The Great Spirit
Honor Yourself and All of Creation
Look with the Eyes of Your Soul and Engage The Essential
~ From the Inca / Q’ero Shaman ~

We hope that you enjoy visiting our website.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Love and Light Ginger Lee and Dale Lee